Another preconceived idea that you may have about Germany is that since it is so beautiful, it doesn’t need missionaries. True, Germany is a very beautiful country and some of you may have visited Germany before and were impressed with how majestic their cathedrals are and how old and charming their buildings are. Notice this picture of the inside of one of these beautiful cathedrals, and now notice how many people are in there worshiping...

The fact of the matter is that the seats in these cathedrals are always empty and if there are people inside, they are probably tourists. And even if Germans did attend church in these cathedrals they would be facing the danger of being taught false theology for the majority of the ministers of these churches are state paid men who may not even actually believe in the Bible, they just want a pay check from the state. And let’s look back and Germany’s past one more time. The storybook almost fairytale picture of Germany that a lot of us think of, wasn’t always what Germany looked like. Germans carry a lot of baggage with them in their hearts and in their history. World War I, the treaty of Versailles, WWII, the holocaust, the third Reich, and then communism, a split right through the heart of Germany with the Berlin wall, Marxism…

All of these things loom in the hearts of Germans and were the front runners in killing any kind of spirituality in Germany. Many Germans put their identity in their horrible and heart breaking past. This is why we believe Germans need a new identity! An identity in Christ, not their past! They need to be freed from the oppression of their past, and only the blood of Jesus can do that.
-Ryan and Elyse
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