Just a couple of these crazy blessings have happened just in the last few days! First of all, on Sunday afternoon we went over to the Mudrik's home (an awesome barn in Springfield) to have lunch with them, and it was amazing! Elaine and Marek Mudrik have been the missionaries in residence here at LCU over the past year and we have been trying to get together for so long! They live and serve in Prague, have 5 amazingly sweet children and are just all around awesome! It was so great to talk Europe and missions with them! We're even planning on going to go visit them in Prague while we're in Germany because they will only be a couple hours away from us!

They were so fun to eat with, drink tea with and listen to James Taylor with :) Ryan and I both agree that they have a special talent at making people feel comfortable and blessed!
Also, got to speak with the director of our mission organization, KontaktMission, on the phone yesterday. Well, Ryan talked to him anyway... as I laid on the couch trying not to itch my allergy infested eyes :( Anyway.... it was really good to hear from him and get some encouragement about our progress with the whole support raising thing :) It was just more affirmation from God to let go and let Him take care us us!
ALSO.... it was graduation this past weekend!!! Not for me :( but for a lot of my friends! So we just went from grad party to grad party all weekend it felt like, but it was really fun. I even got to go out with a few of my girlfriends Sunday night to celebrate! Here are a couple of pics from my friend Meg's party! Congrats to all who graduated!!!

Yesterday I was on my way home from work and decided to stop by this garage sale going on (I know, the last thing I need to do is load up on more junk just as we're trying to move out of our place...). I started talking with the cute older couple who were having the sale and ended up telling them about Ryan and I moving to Germany soon, I don't really remember how it came up but I'm sure glad it did! The woman ended up telling me that she had been a missionary in Africa for 35 years! It was so great to hear encouragement from a total stranger, but also a fellow believer, a sister in the Lord. She had a cute little collection of antique plates with different states on them and let me have a California one for free saying that it should act as a reminder to me that she will be praying for us :) God is so good!

Well, hope that gave you a little insight in on our crazy lives right now! We're so excited for the different opportunities coming up for us like our garage sale!!! Hope you stop by and buy a lot of our stuff!!! Haha :)

Anyway, until next time... be blessed.
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