After our few days spent in Prague, we all piled into the car and drove back into our beloved Germany. Even after being in Prague for like a day, I already missed Germany :) I loved being able to recognize words and speak some again! Anyway, on our way back to Jena we stopped by Dresden to spend the afternoon doing some sightseeing. If you know anything about what happened to Dresden during WWII, you know just how heart wrenching it was to actually be there and see the city for yourself. In the book, Slaughterhouse 5, Dresden is described as having looked like "Heaven" or "Oz", but then it was so completely destroyed by the Allies bombing it that it is later simply referred to as "the moon". Being there are looking at some before and after bombing photos I couldn't help but weep, what a surreal experience. The city is totally rebuilt now and they have replicated some of the main original buildings and churches that were destroyed.

Then, eventually, we made it back to little ol' Jena. We loved having Cory and my Grandparents with us at our new "home". We spent most of our time eating waaaaaay too much! Perfect :)
We also got to go to an old WWII concentration camp located about 45 minutes outside of Jena. Buchenwald is particularly unique because it was the very last concentration camp to be liberated during WWII. It was of course chilling and surreal to be there, but I'm glad Cory as well as my Grandparents were able to experience visiting such a place. For Ryan and I, it was the second one we have visited. I believe that it's such a life changing experience that everyone should try to visit one in their lifetime.

The rest of our time in Jena was filled with more and more food, helping around at our Church a little bit, having to say goodbye to Cory (and trying to not envy him too much as he headed off on his European adventure), having my grandparents come to church with us (they were able to witness 2 baptisms!) and then eventually having to say goodbye to them as well :( All in all, having all of them here was a time that we will never forget and we loved every moment of it. Thank you to Cory as well and my wonderful Grandparents for coming to see us! And a VERY special thank you to my Grandparents for spoiling us so much while they were here!!! We love you!

ReplyDeleteAnth, I can't even count all the times I said to Ryan, "I wish my brother was here too!" You would have loved it, I missed you!