Monday, August 16, 2010

Our First Month!

Sorry it's been so long since our last update. We promise to be much more regular with our updates now that we've got steady access to internet :)

It's hard to believe we've already been here in Jena for a whole month! How the time flies when you're trying to learn German. There's so much to tell about our first month, so I think I'll spread it out a little bit. First things first: we are spending a LOT of time in language school. We knew that would be our main task for this first part of the internship, but it's still surprising just how much work it is and how much it can wear you out! Shortly after our arrival, we went to the language school to take a test to see which class we could get into. Luckily, Elyse had already been practicing her German and learning some vocabulary, because she scored high enough to get into a class that had already started a few weeks earlier. Even though it's a beginner class, it's amazing how much you learn in just a few weeks, so it was great that she knew enough already to go ahead and join that class. Since I (Ryan) had already learned some German, I was also able to test into a class that was already going. The teacher told me I scored actually between two different levels, so I was a little worried I wouldn't find one that fit well. But, it actually worked out perfectly: I tried out a slightly lower class in the beginning, and that let me get some practice in and review of some basics. After a few weeks though, the next higher class came back from their summer break, and I was able to jump in with them! It's definitely a better fit, but also definitely much more challenging. We're both just wishing so badly that we could just speak fluently right away! Oh well, I guess that's just the way it works; you have to start somewhere and build from there :)

Thank you so much for all of your prayers! We, of course, need continued prayers for our language learning and that we would continue to be encouraged and remember why we are putting in all this effort. Another thing that urgently needs prayer: we can't go into much detail here online, but there is a member of the church who's family is trying to escape their country and come to Germany as political refugees. They were stopped at a border (not Germany) and are now in jail waiting for something to happen. It's a potentially very dangerous situation. Please pray for this young man from the church, for peace and faith as he feels helpless just sitting and waiting to see what happens. Pray also for the family, that they would be let free and have a safe passage to Germany.

OK, I think that's enough for one post. More about our first month soon! With pictures!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update! So good to hear from you guys! Will be praying:) Love you two sooo much and can't wait to hear all about your experience in Germany when you get back!

