How can it be two weeks already since we last posted!? The time goes so fast! Anyway, I thought we would let you know what our typical day/week looks like for those who might be curious what all we're doing here. So, here goes...Monday Through Friday
- Get up between 7:00 and 8:00 - depending on what we have to do before school, like finish homework maybe :)- Our language classes start at 9:00, but fortunately, the school is only about a 10 min. bike ride away from our place.
- Class until 1:30 in the afternoon - we do get a few breaks during the day, but whew! it's a lot of German
- After class, rest our brains!!
- Afternoons, we have time to work on our homework, maybe do some reading, keep of with correspondence, go grocery shopping, whatever we need to do that day.
- Evenings we have quite a few different things going on:
Monday nights - English "Stammtisch": a group of people who meet regularly to practice their English. (More on this later)
Tuesday nights - Bible study at the church
Wednesday nights - Our weekly mentoring meetings with Rocco are late afternoon, so by Wednesday night, we're pretty tired :)Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights - so far, we don't have anything regular on these nights, but we've been able to do a lot of different things: visit new friends, practice music for Sunday, invite people over to our place...

It's not used as a train station anymore, but it's now know as the "Kulturbahnof," the culture train station. Along with the Jazz cafe that's upstairs, they also hold dancing nights, art classes, and sometimes have crazy artists come in and do art installations downstairs. Rocco said that the week before we arrived, there was some art piece there that involved little swimming pools filled with water and people standing around looking through telescopes! So, that gives you a little bit of an idea of the feel of the place :)

Well, I think that's all for now. We'll be back tomorrow or the next day with some more pictures and some news about the church.